The ins and outs of how one deals with writing, getting published, and the everyday catastrophes

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Proof Copy

I received the copy of my proof in the mail yesterday. To be honest, I struggled with even opening the package. It felt unreal that something that I wrote was actually in a book format (granted only I made that possible, but never the less it was actually in my hand and no longer in my head). I sat down with my pen and began reading through, very slowly, each and every word. I found so many errors. Wow! I was embarassed. On the computer, I never even saw them. They didn't show up in spelling and grammar check. (I guess that is why people use editors right?) Although, I have an English degree, so perhaps I should I have caught them all? No, that is what I have taught my students for so long. Have someone else read your paper and they will find errors or make suggestions that you did not find. It is being too close to your text. I knew what they were going to say, so I skimmed it and didn't read it. That is my lesson for the day. Proof read and then have others proof read. When it is next to nearly perfect I will once again try and send it out to agents. In the mean time, I will shop it myself.

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